How sweet is this pic?? We're totally doing that!
90 left and time feels like it's standing still. Good weekend though. Had the house to myself and the quiet time was nice. I got to go out with a bunch of friends from work Friday night for a fun night of cosmic bowling and found out that bowling is the biggest waste of money in the world. Who new 2 games of bowling would be $15? I suppose it wasn't all a loss, I had a blast with my buddies and other then the smokiness it was very fun. I just suppose I'd rather have all that fun at someones house or maybe at a bar where it doesn't cost $15 to just stand there...OK I know I'm being a whiner, but I feel cranky. Thinking about a long work week isn't helping either.
On the bright side Kara and Ann came over Saturday night and we ate a lot of baked Kale:) It's so delicious and a great way to clean the system out if you know what I mean...
It was super awesome to see Kara and spend some time with her. I miss living with her! Body Pump Sunday morning was interesting. The sound system wasn't working so on the request of the participants I did the whole class in silence just counting out the moves. It was sooooooo boring! But they said I did a great job considering the situation. And eventually I figured out that I'm really the dumby cuz I accidentally brought the DVD version of the releases rather then the CD versions. Needless to say I still feel like an idiot. And the ironic part is I brought 2 Cd's with me and BOTH were the DVD version! What are the odds of that?? 50/50 I guess.
So work tomorrow. Early morning, I have to be in at 630am. That probably has a lot to do with me being cranky. I feel better now though, I guess writing is proving to be therapeutic after all.