Friday, February 27, 2009

Swagger Chases Tennis Ball

Swagger and Spice at Home

We are thoroughly enjoying our new puppies! They have truely brought life into the Lund house. Suddenly I have no problem getting up at 5am!!

SO CUTE! Spice's (Right) ears are starting to stand up a little and it's so cute when she's listening to something cuz her ears just look so much bigger then her head. Precious!
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Playing with our puppies

This was shortly after we finally got them home Tuesday night. We fed them and took them outside to go potty so they were full of food and ready to play! The dark one in Spice (our little lady) and the lighter one is Swagger (our little man). We're so proud to have such beautiful puppies!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


So here's the liter we looked at last weekend on our way back from Alabama! The dogs are so sweet! We'll be picking our puppy up on Tuesday and we're super excited!! More pics to follow when we get him/her home:)

Oh my gosh I'm in love!

How could you not love that face?!?!?!? Watch out, Matt, I have a new love in my life!

So noble:)

This little guy loved us.

I smell trouble already:)

Momma (Cash) and puppies.

This is Baron, the Daddy. This picture doesn't do the poor guy justice. His head alone is probably as big as...I dunno, it's huge. He's definitely over 100 pounds of pure muscle! Can't wait to see if our little guy has any of his/her Daddy in the genes!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hank Williams Sr. Grave Site

On one of my last days in Montgomery I was able to find the cemetery where Hank Williams Sr and his wife are buried. It turned out to be an awesome day so I decided to stroll through since parts of the cemetery were so old and interesting.

This is the oldest part of Oakwood cemetery. I loved the way each family had a gated part where all members were buried.

The place was huge and it would have taken me days to walk through the whole thing, but I couldn't help but admire it's beauty. Call me crazy, but there was something very interesting and capturing about this specific cemetery. Maybe all the history?

As I walked down the hill to the newer part where Hank is buried I realized how vast this place really was. It would have been VERY spooky had it not been 75 and sunny that day. As I searched for Hank, "Midnight in Montgomery" by AJ was playing over and over in my mind. This cemetery was about as eerie as that song. I now know why AJ wrote it the way he did.

Walking up to the second oldest part. Big ol hill.
Looking back after I reached the top.

Hank and Audrey Williams.

Just thought this was neat.

Some Royal Air Force men who died here in America during WWII.

This had hundreds of names carved in it of fallen Civil War soldiers.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Trip to VA

I'm back in Alabama safe and sound after driving up to VA to visit with family. What a great opportunity! I was glad to be able to visit and help out where I could.

First, I went to Anna's house and helped watch Ella while she was with Ben. Ella is adorable and always on the move! It makes photo ops a little tricky, but I got a few decent ones. Thanks for lettin me crash at your place, Anna, I had a blast visiting with you! I was also able to spend a couple hours with Kara and Frank. It just so happens that Frank is "stationed" (TDY?) in Manassas, VA 1.5 miles from where Anna lives. A huge blessing to be able to see 2 of my best friends in the world! What a pleasant surprise.

From there I headed to Winchester for a movie night (planned without knowing I would be in town I might add). As always Jen and Lloyd's hospitality was awesome and I even got to see Fr. Matthew. What a blessing! It was great to see the kids again and see how much they've grown. You're gone for 3 months and they grow several inches!!! Yikes!

After move night I drove to Colonial Beach, VA to see Mom, Dad and Grandma. Their house is as beautiful as always and it was a treat to get them all to myself. We talked and laughed and I even got 2 great home cooked meals from my Mommy:) I miss her cooking! They let me play the new drum set for the Wii and i loved it! Mom followed me on the bike when I went for a run and Dad showed me all his plans for the train set. He's really got a nice layout planned! I only wish I could be around to help build it. Grandma is still chuggin along as good as ever. It was a treat to spend time with her.

After CB it was off to Julie's house in Mechanicsville, MD (just across the river. I had a great visit with Jamie and Julie (Jamie was just off a shift so he was home the whole time!). The kids are growing so fast and little Thomas is too cute for his own good:) (See pics for evidence) As luck would have it, we had a snow/ice storm while I was there and Julie got to keep me for an extra night. We always have a great time together singing to her guitar playing, chatting, laughing at the silliest things, eating great food, playing in the snow and playing Mario Kart on the Wii. She was able to show me a bunch of delicious, quick and easy recipes that I've already tried here and love! Thanks Jules. She also made me 8 CD's for the ride home. It was AWESOME to have so much good music to listen to. THANK YOU!!!!!!

Thomas loves Wall-E.

He loved his first sled ride!

Jamie is forever surfing.

Jenni and Joseph got to come home from school early and play in the snow too!

Look out Joseph!

It was a little too cold for grandma, but she watched from the window.

After Julie's I made my way back through Winchester for just a drop in to say goodbye (Jen was really sick so I thought I should let her sleep:( It was a really awesome trip and I'm so glad I got to see so many people I love. Thanks for all the hospitality and fun times! Love to you all!!!