Mom and Dad Lund and Amanda came up to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. It was SO nice to have family in our home. We are so blessed they could come. We had a blast all weekend.
They arrived Wednesday afternoon so we showed them around the base. Half way through grocery shopping at the commissary the power went out. Thinking, "no biggie" we walked home only to find people on the street and cop cars all over. No one knew what was going on and the power was still out. We went out to eat and on the way back as we approached the base noticed the power was still not on! Frustrated, we asked the guard who informed us a squirrel jumped into a transformer and fried himself and the power. (Wow, what are the chances?) We ended up spending the whole night in the dark. Luckily, the power came back on in the middle of the night so we could cook the next day! We were definitely thankful for electricity on Thanksgiving!
So apparently sweet potato killing jeans can be passed along from mother to daughter. OK, 1) The marshmallows are pink because and only because that's all they had at the commissary. 2) I made the potatoes a couples days before so there'd be less to do on Thanksgiving, so after I heated them up the marshmallows just melted on the hot pan instead of "browning" like they're supposed to. Then when I tried to brown them they ended up getting huge instead of crispy and they spilled over. Kinda like when you put a marshmallow in the microwave (very fun BTW). 3) Lesson learned, just make the potatoes on Thanksgiving:) The smell was making me have flash backs of when Mom set the oven on fire with the sweet potatoes a couple Thanksgivings ago...
It was their 26th anniversary too! Congrats!
The fam.
I am so addicted to guitar hero, I love it! It's the best game ever! Maybe except for DDR:)
Thanks Matt!
We finally got Dad to play!
The boys had a squadron basketball game last week.
Matt and Micah
This is for Julie mostly, I know she's interested in the wildlife. Matt found this little guy in the garden last week. I had no idea we had scorpion!