The first two on this are from 4 weeks ago (7 weeks) and the last one is from today (11 weeks). I enlarged it below.
This is the sonogram picture I had taken today. Matt was able to come (probably the first and last time he'll make the Dr. appointment) so they did a sonogram just for him. It was spectacular. The little guy was moving and kicking around! I couldn't believe how much bigger he was from 4 weeks ago. We're talking from little bean to human being. It's insane. And the heart beat was strong too. I could see his feet and hands and we got a little profile picture on this one too. You could tell he's kinda stuck down in that crevice for now. He would kick and buck his body almost like he was trying to get outta there. And he even kicked at the sonogram lady where she was poking into his space! Soooooo cool!!! Enjoy!
This is the sonogram picture I had taken today. Matt was able to come (probably the first and last time he'll make the Dr. appointment) so they did a sonogram just for him. It was spectacular. The little guy was moving and kicking around! I couldn't believe how much bigger he was from 4 weeks ago. We're talking from little bean to human being. It's insane. And the heart beat was strong too. I could see his feet and hands and we got a little profile picture on this one too. You could tell he's kinda stuck down in that crevice for now. He would kick and buck his body almost like he was trying to get outta there. And he even kicked at the sonogram lady where she was poking into his space! Soooooo cool!!! Enjoy!