Major Malloy handing the aircraft over to Matt.
It was really fun watching all the hand signals. I guess it's pretty important to communicate with the Crew Cheif.
Whew, he made it...not that I had any doubts.
I swear and you have to believe me, my belly is not that big! The wind was blowing out of control and it just pushed my shirt in an awkward position...I swear!
So there's a tradition where the guys have to dunk him in a tank of water before he can get back to the flight room. Well, Matt didn't want to get wet so he put up quite a fight. Very comical.
And there he goes, boots and all!
It was awesome to see how far Matt has come in such a short amount of time. You can imagine how proud I was when Major Malloy said he loves flying with Matt because he's an aggressive and eager student who studies hard, knows his stuff and makes flying fun for the IP. He had all kinds of good things to say about Matt and was certain he'd do great on his solo. After hearing so many awesome things (that I already knew of course) I couldn't help but beam ear to ear:D
Congrats on a job well done, Matt, and I know you'll continue to do great things on land and in the sky. I'm so proud of you!