Hello All!
Sorry for the delay, but things seem to have picked up around here. With Spring on it's way we've been hanging out outside a lot. We've been working on the yard and house to continue making it feel more like home. The dogs are huge. Almost 40 lbs now and as good as ever. They're definitely growing up and it's making life around the house a lot easier. I suppose I'll just pick up where I left off.
After the great March snow storm our backyard was a complete mess. It flooded like crazy and I let the dogs play in it one afternoon and paid for it big time. Since then we've been working on the drainage problem so we don't have to deal with muddy dogs every time they need to go out. In these next pictures the dogs are still around 25 lbs and only just about to turn 3 months.
Spice in the tub.
Swagger or Yoda as I like to call him when his ears go out to the side like that:)
You oughta spend about 30 bucks and get one of those removable shower heads that have a long hose. It makes cleaning a million times easier, and I bet it makes DOG cleaning a BILLION times easier!