Sunday, January 31, 2010

36 1/2 Weeks

Funny how you never really realize at the beginning how big you'll actually get. She's growing like a little weed (which is fine by me) and I'm slowing waaaay down. I think it's time to sit back, relax and enjoy these last few weeks of babyless life. So excited for her to finally get here!!! (Can you tell I've resorted to wearing Matt's shirts???)

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  1. your boobs are awesome.

  2. you look great! glad to hear you busted out matt's shirts because i'm right at the point where i'm gonna have to do that!!! Right now I"m wearing his good ole red cadre shirts from VT!

  3. Haha, I was totally wearing one of those this morning at the gym!!

    Anna, I appreciate you taking note of my rather large bossoms:)
